Wednesday, May 18, 2011


As Frodo and company travel the Barrow-downs, they start to feel a cold chill about them and come across a strange stone circle miles wide. They soon get lost as it quickly becomes dark. Frodo gets separated from the others and somehow cannot reach the others. He is quickly grabbed by a Barrow Wight, a phantom-like creature, and then passes out. When Frodo comes to, he is in a dark chamber filled with gold and weapons. He looks over at his friends who look deathly white and are clad in gold adornments as if for burial. Frodo collects all his courage and slashes the Barrow Wights hand as it reached for Sam's soul. he then summons Tom Bombadil, master of nature, to help him. Tom bursts through the wall of the chamber and rescues all of the hobbits and even revives Sam, Pippin, and Merry! This book is full of suspense and they've barely left their homes, much less the first book in a three-part series!

Monday, May 16, 2011


Pg 126-149

            Sam and Pippin almost became a tree’s lunch when the four heroes decided to take a nap!  Frodo and Merry frantically ran back the way they came partially in fear but more to find help. They came across Tom Bombadil, the ‘master of nature’ in these parts. He happily agreed to free Frodo’s’ friends from the evil tree and by calm coaxing and some reasoning, got the two sleepyheads free of the trees ‘jaws’. The four of them followed Tom to his home and met his beautiful elf-wife Golden flower. They stayed in his house for quite a few days, telling jokes and songs and eating some delicious food. However, Frodo finally reasoned they should leave, and they sadly went, still fearing what lies ahead, for now they must venture through the barrow-downs; notoriously dangerous they are told. So much action and I am only on the fifth chapter!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


PG 121-125

As Frodo and his friends enter the woods with wary glance, unsure of the dangers that are in the woods. As the troop move on, Frodo and pippin could actually sense the trees enmity for them. Sam, however, was the bravest of the Hobbits because he has been in this woods many times. Despite this, he started to doubt his thoughts because the Forest itself moved the clearing away, for that was were they were headed. Luckily, they did find the clearing and stopped for lunch. The trees were not as angry as before, Frodo says. As they continue, it seems the trees realize these are good Hobbits, and let up on the intimidation. They are not out of the forest yet, but I think they will be fine when they do get out.

Monday, May 2, 2011


PG 111 – 120

            Once Frodo and company reached his new home, they quickly undressed and fought over whom would bathe first. Merry makes peace between the three when he mentions the new house has three bathtubs and a large copper bowl they can use for the same purposes. After some songs in the shower, Frodo and his buddies have a second supper (which is not uncommon for hobbits) with Merry and another friend named ‘Fatty’ Bolger. During the feast, they discussed the fact that they knew Frodo was leaving for quite some time. They insisted that they go with Frodo on his quest, no matter what ma befall them. Deeply moved, Frodo thanks them for being his friends and they plan their quest out of the Shire. However, Bolger decides to stay behind to see if Gandalf the wizard come looking for them and to stray any Black Riders away from them. This seemed like a bold and selfless act until we discover he is actually scared of the Old Woods, were Frodo and company are going for fear of the shadowy riders. Sam, Frodo, pippin, and merry enter the forest through a secret passageway, being wary of trees dropping limbs on them. Who knows what dangers are in these ominous woods?

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


PG 105-110
            Frodo and his two friends find themselves at the farm of the Maggots.  Frodo remembers Mr. Maggot from a bad experience during childhood were the old farmer set his dogs after Frodo and chased him all the way home. However, when they get there all is forgiven for it was a mere accident, Maggot thought he was a burglar here to steal some of his mushrooms! After a lovely dinner, the Maggots insist on driving them to the river where Frodo’s friend Merry will pick them up by boat. As Frodo and crew leave the shore, they see an eerie shadow of a Rider, crawling on the banks. The group is safe from these creatures…for now.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


PG 81-105

Frodo,Pippin, and his best friend sam set out on the long journey to a town called Riverside. As they go they have to escape some ominous men in black cloaks, which they call 'Riders'. Riders don't seem to be human, though, for they will hiss when discouraged and walk on all fours to sniff for Frodos scent. As the trio of Hobbits tread on, they come across a group of Elves. The elves repack their supplies and have a little party, for thats what Elves do. one of the elves, Glorin was his name, warned them that if Frodo is being hunted this early in his trip, he can expect much more horrible things outside the Shire(his home country).

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


PG 42-80
A few years later a wizard named Gandalf, who was a friend of Bilbo, tells Frodo about all that is happening about different creatures fleeing their homes across the mountains. Gandalf claims that an evil man named Mordor has awakened from a deep slumber and is looking for this sacred ring. He also warns Frodo that The Ring can also control people through greed and obsession. Previous owners of The Ring have ended up insanely obsessed about it, even Frodo's uncle Bilbo almost fell that way! Gandalf came once again and told him a place were they may be able to destroy the ring: Mount Doom. A few years passed, and after hearing about all those creatures and places, Frodo got tired of his life in Shire and wanted to go on an adventure. It will be the biggest adventure of his life

Monday, April 11, 2011


Fellowship of the ring
                        PG 0-41
            The story starts off with a small creature, a hobbit, named Bilbo Baggins. He is famous among the hobbits for he is rich due to his tremendous adventures that were in the prequel to this story. On his one hundred and eleventh birthday, he holds and extravagant party for over 100 hobbits and tells them he is leaving forever. He leaves his home and treasures to his nephew, Frodo Baggins. He also leaves to Frodo a magical ring that makes the wearer invisible.

 I have already read the prequel so I know why all this is happening. I hope it is as good as the Prequel, The Hobbit.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Enders game 12


            When Ender get’s news that a new colony will be coming within the next year, he sets out with a boy name Abra to find a place they can live. When he gets to the planned spot, he starts seeing scenes of his game he used to play in battle school. The Giant corpse, the playground, and the worlds end. Be hind a mirror in the worlds end tower was a cocoon of a bugger queen. He forgives the buggers and takes the cocoon. Valentine and Ender make a book that talks about the bugger’s way of life and is considered a holy book by Earth people and colonies alike. He then set’s out with Valentine across the cosmos to teach people about the ‘Speaker for the Dead’ and also look for a place the baby bugger can live in peace. 

Monday, March 28, 2011

Enders game 11

Pg 290-317
I’m almost done with the book! The games Ender plays in the college turn out not to be simulators. In fact, he was piloting actual ships in battle! He also destroyed the bugger’s home planet. He was furious when they told him he killed millions of aliens who probably weren’t even planning a third attack. He never wanted to be a killer like his older brother, Peter. Commander Graff said that since Ender grew to understand the buggers, he was able to defeat them. Graff said deception was the only way they could make him the fighter they wanted. However, after the day long celebration, the world leaders break down on their peace treaty and fight each other for Ender. Thankfully, Peter’s alter ego, Locke, was able to make a pact that settled the matter. Even so, Valentine and Ender took off in a colonization ships towards new planets and Ender became governor of the colony. I only have a few pages left, I will definitely read the sequels!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Enders game 10

            In these pages Ender leaves the academy and Bean become leader of his own army. There is much sadness among the dragon army and Enders friends. He then was taken to Florida and suffered problems you’d face by being in space all the time. as he rediscovered Earth, the leaders of the military are discussing the fact that he killed Bonzo in the fight. Meanwhile, Valentine and Peter have gone under the alter egos of Demosthenes and Locke. They spread conspiracies and write columns in news sites. Peter’s, or Locke’s plan seems to be working. However, Colonel Graff knows who Locke and Demosthenes are. So he asks Valentine to talk to Ender for some therapy. Ender has changed, Valentine finds out with shock. When she tried to tickle him on his knee, he caught it by the pressure point, and then realizes that’s were he was ticklish. I would feel sad if my little sister changed like that, only thinking like a soldier. 

Friday, February 18, 2011

Enders game 9

PG 212-219
 In this reading it talks about how Ender is getting really tired of these games. He feels like the people in charge are doing this just so they can beat him, to wear him down. He doesn’t want to play anymore; he just wants to go home. Sometimes I feel like ender, getting endless jobs just because people think about it. However, unlike ender, I know they are really just trying to teach me math or science or something else I can use when I get older. I’m glad I have those people to push my limits.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Enders game 8

            PG 200-213
So far it turns out that Enders team is trying to be worn down by the teachers by giving them games relentlessly. Even though, Ender still prevails, which angered the older boys. So they planed to beat him the only way they could; in the shower room. When Ender went to take a shower, he noticed his enemy Bonzo had entered with six of his friends. Ender did not go after his towel because he knew that doing so would humiliate him when he ran down the corridors. Instead he stood up to Bonzo, who was ready to kill him. However, Enders brains prevailed in the end! He simply applied soap to his body and turned on all the showerheads to make steam. Doing so, he could evade Bonzo’s grabs and kick him in the crotch. It hurt so bad that Bonzo didn’t even react to the hot water he rolled into. When Ender related this to his brother Peter and his earth-school bully Stilton, I realized that some things in his life tend to repeat multiple times.  For example, they always picked on him in groups, yet only one boy had to go down for them to fall back. He also added that the teachers never helped him in these cases, which is tormenting him. 

Monday, January 10, 2011

Enders game 7

PG 183-201

      Ever since Ender got his title as commander, people have been treating him differently. He hasn’t lost a single match (all seven) in his career as a commander yet. He trains his men hard and with determination. “ They would follow him to mars without suits” he says to himself. He even defeated his friends Bonzo and Tera, who both seemed totally outraged at him. The sad part is, Ender seems to continually lose and gain friends, mostly lose them, though. However, he is taking into the liking of a small boy named Bean. Who is working hard to be a Toon leader (small piece of Dragon army). He was assigned a special mission: to make up some new strategies, stupid or not! This book is very absorbing! I hope it has a good ending!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Enders game 6

(PG 157- 172) Ender has been appointed commander of team Dragon, at team that used to lose over 1/3 of their matches! However, instead of having a team of people he knows, his members are launchies or have had 18 months of combat! At first he is really frustrated at these bumbling, so-called  ‘soldiers’ as they don’t take orders well and are clumsy in the training center. We also meet the smallest person on his team, Bean. He seems to take orders and does them well. Even though Ender should be impressed, he just starts to bully him. Then he realizes he’s turning into the older kids who have bullied him in his past. However, he shouldn’t be a softy since he’s a commander. Sometimes I treated others like others treated me. Sometimes the people didn’t treat me nicely. I hope Ender understands that you can be tough and kind at the same time.